Procedures for Act 48 Forms
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- Act 48 Data Sheet
New and current employees should use this form to update their record in the IU 29 database. To get your PPID #, click on the PDE website link. www.pde.state.pa.us - Non-IU 29 Activity (Form 48-29-10)
This form should be used by an IU 29 employee who attends a professional development activity and the provider will not submit Act 48 hours to PDE.
NOTE: The Pre-Approval section MUST be completed and submitted prior to the date of the activity for which Act 48 hours are requested. To get your PPID #, click on the PDE website link. www.pde.state.pa.us - Attendance Roster for PA Certified Teachers
(Form 48-29-22)
This form should be used for IU 29 facilitated workshops, trainings, activities that are eligible for ACT 48 credit. - Attendance Roster for participants employed outside IU 29 boundaries (Form 48-29-03a) This form should be used for retirees, employees of districts and private schools employed outside the geographic boundary of Schuylkill IU 29 attending workshops, trainings and activities provided by Schuylkill IU 29 that are eligible for Act 48 credit. Participants must complete this registration the day of the event in order to receive Act 48 credit.
- Workshop Assessment of Learning Outcomes All participants at workshops / trainings must complete this assessment form.
- Workshop Assessment Summary Form This form should be used for summations of workshops/trainings. The facilitator must summarize and submit one summary form and ALL Workshop Assessment of Learning Outcomes forms with the Attendance Roster to the Act 48 Records Department of IU 29.
- STC Occupational Advisory Committee Documentation (Form 48-29-04)