• IU29 Guidelines for Full Time Additional 10 Hours of Activity

    Steps to request pre-approval for 10 Hours of Activity:

    Go to:  https://tinyurl.com/10HRrequestform
    Fill out the form with the following answers:

    • Email
    • Last Name
    • First Name
    • Department
    • Activity and Description
    • Activity Date (If there will be multiple dates, just put the starting date/month until complete)
    • Activity Assignment Duration – Start/End Time, if applicable (If the times will alternate, just put 10min – 30min each)
    • Location of Activity
    • Facilitator/Supervisor(person who will sign off that the activity was completed)
    • # of Hours
    • Additional Information, not required

    **Activity hours can be on-going. You DO NOT have to put in a pre-approval request for the same activity that you will complete over time. You ONLY need to submit a pre-approval request for EACH individual activity. See examples below:

    Example 1: (One-Time Activity)
    Activity: Shredding – Will shred papers in the main office.
    Location: IU29 MAC
    Date: September 8, 2021
    Time: 2:30 – 3:30pm
    Facilitator/Contact Person: Paula Hromyak
    # of Hours: 1

    Example 2: (On-Going Activity)
    Activity: Breakfast Duty – Will prep breakfast in the morning.
    Location: MAC – Cafeteria or Woody’s
    Date/Duration: October 2021 until complete
    Time: 10 min per date (time could fluctuate from 10 – 30 min per date)
    Facilitator/Contact Person: Tom Wood/Cafeteria Supervisor/Sp. Ed Supervisor
    # of Hours: 10

    After you submit the pre-approval request, it will go to the appropriate person(s) to start the approval process. The process will be:

    1. Fill out the request form.
    2. Request Status:
    • If the request has been denied, you will receive an email stating that it was denied and why.
    • If the request has been approved, you will receive an email stating, “needs action.” Meaning you are approved to complete the activity.
    • If the request has been returned for “more information needed,” you can edit your request and re-submit. (DO NOT submit another request! ONLY edit the current request!)
    1. Once the request has been approved (needs action), you can now start the requested activity.
      • Every time you complete an activity or part of an activity, have the facilitator/contact person initial/date the 10 hour activity log form.
    2. When the requested activity is fully complete, you can click on the “Task Complete” button at the bottom of the request form.
    • Email a copy of your initialed activity log to schua@iu29.org or send through office mail to Abra - SP ED 2nd Fl.
    1. Once your activity log is received and verified the hours were completed, you will receive a COMPLETED approval email and the hours will be deducted from the total hours still needed.

    Activity Log Form (Download/Print)



Degrees and Certifications:

For more information, contact:

Rene’ Evans, Ed.D.
Director Special Education
570-544-9131 Ext. 1211

Abra Schultz
Administrative Assistant
Special Education Department

570-544-9131 Ext. 1203