• Gifted Education

    The Pennsylvania Code (22 Pa. Code §16.2) indicates that each school district must, by direct service or through arrangement with other agencies, provide the following: 
    • Services and programs planned, developed and operated for the identification and evaluation of each gifted student;
    • Gifted education for each gifted student which is based on the unique needs of the student, not solely on the student's classification; and 
    • Gifted education for gifted students which enables them to participate in acceleration or enrichment programs, or both, as appropriate, and to receive services according to their intellectual and academic abilities and needs. 
    Schuylkill Intermediate Unit 29 supports district implementation of gifted programs and services. 
    Gifted education is the shared responsibility of the Bureau of Special Education and the Bureau of Teaching and Learning Support. The integrated approach commits both Bureaus to providing support for Chapter 16.
    Detailed information is best found in the K-12 section of the PA Department of Education website.  
    Additional resources:
    • Gifted in PA - collection of recorded presentations organized by state lead, Tanya Morret
    • National Association for Gifted Education - NAGC 

    Gifted Network 

    The Schuylkill County Gifted Network is a collaborative effort of district representatives and the IU Curriculum Department to work on improving the gifted education throughout the Schuylkill County schools.

    For more information please contact, Annie Milewski, Director of Curriculum, 570-544-9131 extension 1227.