Trainings and onsite coaching related to research-based instruction and interventions/enrichment. Growth Mindset, Co-Teaching, LETRS (Language Essentials for Teacher of Reading and Spelling), Differentiated Instruction, Formative Assessment, Classroom Diagnostic Tools (CDTs), CRA Math (Concrete-Representational-Abstract), DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills), and Accommodations and Modifications. Trainings and onsite coaching related to Schoolwide PBIS (Positive Behavior Support Plan) and advanced tier interventions, universal screeners, FBA (Functional Behavior Assessment) and PBSP (Positive Behavior Support Plan), De-escalation/facilitated relaxation, Project RENEW (Rehabilitation for Employment, Natural Supports, Education, and Work) , and Classroom Management.

Degrees and Certifications:
For more information, contact:
Ashley Hess
Educational Consultant
MTSS Academics/Behavior Consultant
570-544-9131 Ext. 1283