Pennsylvania Department of EducationTeacher Information Management Systems (TIMS):Applying for Educator Certification in Pennsylvania
The Pennsylvania Department of Education is transitioning from the paper application process to an online application process for educator certifications. This process requires all applications for credentials to be completed and submitted online through the Teacher Information Management System (TIMS).
TIMS allows for the exchange of data among several existing applications currently used by PDE to collect and manage data related to professional educators.
TIMS is a one-stop link for current educators and/or new educators to:- Monitor the status of currently held certificates online – both certificate status and continuing education status.
- Apply for a new certificate or credential online.
- Monitor the progress of a new application online through personal dashboard.
- Generate payment of fee on line through credit card.
- Update contact information online (name changes, addresses, email addresses, etc.)
- Communicate online among PDE, the applicant and the LEA.
Once approved, TIMS will generate the credentials electronically for printing as paper certificates will no longer be issued. All regulations, guidelines and requirements of the Pennsylvania Department of Education continue to apply to certification and to the educator’s responsibility to keep it current.
How to Access TIMS:- Go to https://www.education.pa.gov/Educators/Certification/Pages/TIMS.aspx
- Choose "Login to TIMS"
- Login*
- My PDE Applications, TIMS
- Go to https://www.education.pa.gov/Pages/default.aspx
- Login*
- My PDE Applications, TIMS
* If NEVER logged into the PDE website before educator must “Register” and wait 24 hours.
* If logged in prior and forgot password, go to “Log In Help”.