• Curriculum & Technology Trainings:

    • These trainings, unless otherwise noted, are free of charge for Schuylkill IU 29 member districts. To obtain the Training Fee Schedule for non-member educational entities and community agencies, please call the Curriculum Department at (570) 544-9131 x1276.
    • Trainings can be customized to fit existing professional development needs and can be conducted at the school district or at one of the Schuylkill Intermediate Unit facilities: the Maple Avenue Campus or the North or South Schuylkill Technology Center.
    • It is recommended that consideration for continued reflection and follow-up professional development in the training area is planned.
    • Training times listed are approximate and in some cases may be altered. Other trainings can be arranged upon request, recognizing that sufficient time is needed for planning and preparation.

    Free Trainings for Schuylkill Intermediate Unit 29 Member Districts:


    Training Details:
    Acadience Math -  TBD
    3-5 hours
    Learn the foundations behind this K-6 mathematics universal screener to identify students who may need additional help in the area of mathematics. Teachers will learn how to administer and score this assessment. 
    Assessment Literacy Series - Annie Milewski
    1-2 days
    Develop high-quality performance measures for use within the greater educator effectiveness system.
    Increase assessment literacy of participants.
    Gain a deeper understanding of academic content standards with a focus on the long-term goal of positively impacting student achievement.
    Carnegie STEM Pathways -  Annie Milewski
    3 days
    Evaluate current STEM practices
    Complete a self-evaluation
    Create an Action Plan
    Classroom Diagnostic Tools - Dr. Andrew Gavalis
    1-2 hours (introduction) or full day (analyzing school data)
    What are the CDTs?
    How do teachers, administrators and technology departments prepare for the test day?
    Using the data to guide instruction 
    Comprehensive Planning ProcessBarb Wilkinson
    2-3 hours
    Effective use of online tool

    Curriculum Alignment and Development - Annie MilewskiDr. Andrew GavalisBarb Wilkinson
    3 hours to full days
    Sessions can be arranged to assist with curriculum alignment and development based on district need.
    Data Analysis - Dr. Andrew Gavalis
    2 hours to full day
    Available topics:
    Any other available district data

    Differentiated Instruction - Katie Kelly
    3 hours to full day
    This newly updated Differentiated Instruction training provides an opportunity for K-12 educators to enhance Tier 1 Core Instruction through high-quality, research-based differentiated instruction and formative assessment techniques.

    Educator Effectiveness Training (training for administrators who evaluate teaching and non-teaching professionals, including: Education Specialists, Instructionally Certified, and Supervisors and principal training) – Annie Milewski
    Time based on specific needs
    2 days (Day 1 Teacher Effectiveness/Day 2 – NTP Effectiveness)
    Who are the NTPs? How will they be evaluated?
    Education Specialists
    Instructionally Certified
    Engineering by Design (EbD)
    1 day
    Gain access to the EbD curriculum 
    Network with others to implement the curriculum
    English Learners – Separating Language Difference and Learning Disability - Barb Wilkinson
    1-2 hours
    What is language difference? How is it different than a learning disability?
    Making the appropriate instructional decisions for English language learners.
    Formative Assessment - Barb Wilkinson
    3 hours to full day
    Review research related to formative assessment, improve the use of formative assessment tools, learn and apply principles of effective questioning, discussion, and feedback.
    Gifted Education - Annie MilewskiKatie Kelly
    For all faculty:
    Chapter 16 review and compliance
    Using data to increase achievement of gifted students
    Developing resources for advanced and gifted students

    For teachers of the gifted:
    Chapter 16 compliance
    GIEP requirements
    Determining Present Levels of Performance (PLEP)
    Writing goals and outcomes
    Google Suite for Education - TBD
    Guided Math - TBD
    Instructional Coaching ServicesDr. Andrew Gavalis
    Time varies based on topic and staff level of understanding/needs.
    Instructional coaching services can be provided to administrators and teachers to:
    Engage in peer coaching
    Identify strategies for working with adult learners
    Co-teach, model, demonstrate units of study with teachers
    Co-facilitate school wide/district/IU wide professional learning
    Foster cross district/cross IU visitations
    Plan and facilitate Professional Learning Communities 
    Meeting the Needs of English Learners - Barb Wilkinson
    2 hours
    What is ESL? Who is an EL (English Learner)?
    What is the role of the classroom teacher?
    What strategies should be used and what resources are available?
    Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS/RtII) -  Beth CiavarellaDr. Andrew Gavalis, Ashley Hess
    Schuylkill Intermediate Unit 29 offers a support series for schools implementing Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS/RtII). Participation in this training series affords building teams the opportunity to develop a well-integrated multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) that connect general, remedial, and special education services. IU consultants provide strong support in the areas of systematic data collection, effective interventions, and ongoing data analysis of student progress. Teams are also able to share experiences related to the implementation of scientifically-based practices and the use of data-based decision making procedures.
    Informational Sessions and Overviews
    Elementary and Secondary Cohorts
    Onsite Support
    Regional Networking
    Integration with SAS
    Critical Components
    Tools for successful implementation
    Data Analysis
    Tiered Instruction
    Use of school personnel and resources
    Research-based interventions 
    Open Educational Resources (OER)Annie Milewski
    1-4 Days
    Explore the OER site resources
    Create and curate resources for subject area
    SAS Trainings - Annie Milewski or Barb Wilkinson
    Trainings can be customized to meet your needs focusing on areas such as instruction and assessment or instruction and curriculum, etc.
    School Climate Leadership Initiative - Annie Milewski
    3 full-day face-to-face meetings and 2 virtual meetings
    Review purpose of SCLI
    Review school climate survey implementation
    Discuss data and create an action plan

    School Improvement Planning - Barb Wilkinson
    3 hours-5 hours
    Provides an overview about what has changed in the School Improvement process
    Facilitates on-site support of understanding designation of Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI), Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI), Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI)
    Equips districts to work through Cycle of Improvement and implementing Essential Practices while creating an action plan
    Teacher Effectiveness TrainingBarb Wilkinson
    Time based on need
    PA Teacher Effectiveness Model Train the Trainer workshop for administrators

    Technology Integration - TBD
    Technology Tools
    Web 2.0 tools
    Lesson planning for integration
    Text Dependent Analysis (TDA) - Dr. Andrew Gavalis
    Session Lengths vary depending on need and audience
    Sessions will focus on increasing rigor in ELA curriculum using analysis of text

    TransACT: Using the Online Collection of Documents - Barb Wilkinson
    Session length varies depending on need and audience. This session is appropriate for office personnel, administrators and educators.
    What is TransACT?
    Is this only for ESL?
    How to best use this resource?

    Webb’s Depth of Knowledge - Annie Milewski
    2.5 hours
    Why consider DOK? PSSAs/21st Century Skills
    Incorporating higher-order thinking skills
    DOK and the Keystone Exams
    Test Review and Refine
    DOK Samples