RENEW is a structured school-to-career transition planning and individualized wraparound process for youth with emotional and behavioral challenges. Developed in 1996 by staff at the Institute on Disability (IOD), RENEW is being provided by schools, community mental health centers, community-based providers, and IOD staff members to youth. The model focuses on supporting each youth to design and pursue a plan for the transition from school to adult life. RENEW has substantially increased the high school completion, employment, and post-secondary education participation rates among our most vulnerable youth.
Key Features
- Self Determination
- Personal Futures Planning
- Creative and Individualized School-to-Career Planning
- Strengths-based Approach
- Unconditional Care
- Building Family and other Natural and Community Supports
- Wraparound
- Systemic Support and Consultation
- Improved educational outcomes (increased graduation rates, post-secondary education participation)
- Increased employment rates
- Improved functioning in school and in the community
- Reductions in behavior problems in school and in the community (including reduced juvenile justice involvement)
- High youth satisfaction rates
- Increased youth self-determination and self-efficacy skills
- Studies from various cohorts (projects) support these outcomes
* We are currently supporting Schuylkill Haven Area SD with implementation.
RENEW is also featured on PaTTAN’s website at https://www.pattan.net/multi-tiered-system-of-support/behavior/featured-topics/renew

Degrees and Certifications:
For more information, contact:
Annie Grabowski
Educational Consultant
RENEW Consultant
570-544-9131 Ext. 1205
Doreen Milot
Educational Consultant
RENEW Consultant
570-544-9131 Ext. 1258