Digital modifications are critical for online home learning for special needs students. Text to speech (TTS) is a type of assistive technology that reads digital text aloud and works with almost all digital devices—phone, iPad, computer. Many types of text files and most web pages can be converted into audio with TTS software.
- Mac/iPad—in Settings under Accessibility
- Windows—in Control Panel under Ease of Access
- Android—in Settings > Accessibility > Text to Speech Output
- Chromebook – in Settings under Accessibility
Speech recognition (dictation) is another necessary tool, found on most digital devices, that enables students to express themselves by simply talking without having to worry about typing, spelling, and grammar. Dictation software is available on most devices in the settings menu, and it helps students expand their writing skills and achieve new levels of success. Note: Apple has a more advanced speech recognition system than Windows.
- HUNE - HUNE is a not for profit organization that provides free bilingual English and Spanish training, technical assistance and individual assistance to families of infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities and to professionals who work with children.
- The PEAL Center - Dedicated to families of children with disablities and special health care needs
- The Arc PA
- Best Practices for Teachers of Students with Disabilities Online