What is BrainSTEPS?
Posted by:The BrainSTEPS Program was created to build a bridge connecting the medical, rehabilitation, education sectors and families following student (K-12) acquired brain injury (ABI). ABIs can cause cognitive, physical, socio-emotional, and behavioral impairments that impact classroom performance and learning. In 2007, the Pennsylvania Department of Health established the BrainSTEPS Program to address this issue. BrainSTEPS consulting teams support school teams in the development and implementation of educational plans following student ABI. The original BrainSTEPS model in PA is currently funded by the PA Department of Health and the PA Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education, and is implemented by the Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania. In 2017, BrainSTEPS was recognized by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) as a national model for educational consultation supporting students and school teams in the development and implementation of educational supports and services following an acquired brain injury.
If you are interested in more information about the BrainSTEPS Program model, please visit http://www.brainsteps.net/.